I have thought about doing a blog for quite some time, it is a whole new world!!
The Ivory Social will be a place for my loves (pretty much anything beautiful), my inspirations (again pretty much anything beautiful) and my obsessions (PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING)...
I am still learning how to use this blog, so as time goes on it will become more "prettier"-however in the mean time- BEAR WITH ME PLEASE...
A little bit about me- I had my first son Tyler 3 years and 8 months ago and went from the very full on corporate world to nappies, feeding, and changing- oh and the delightful reflux he suffered from. It was around this time that I created Pink Theodore- a very girly place, never in my wildest dreams did I think the need for bows was so great. I thought it would be a nice little hobby- SO WRONG- fast forward 3 years and 2 months and I was due to give birth to my second child- Samuel, and was up until 2 most mornings doing bow orders. Now here we are six months later and I have temporarily closed the on line store so as I could concentrate on being a mum and seing if anything else sparked my interest. Well true to my style- EVERYTHING has sparked my interest and so here we are today, commencing a blog- a place where I will share with you all of my Pink Theodore know how, where to get the products from at the best price and anything else that comes along...
I hope you enjoy The Ivory Social journey....