Well, I do feel kind of special that Suzanna from MonTresor tagged me to do the 10 things you did not know about me...so here goes...
1. When I get excited, I squeal like a girl (picture high octive wiiieeeewwww) and I tend to tap, use my hands a lot, possibly hit (my husband), hug and/ or jump up and down when I am super excited about something. It is the little things, like a macaron turning out perfectly, finding an amazing bag or my son Samuel standing up or my other son Tyler reading all of the letters at the doctors. Does not matter where I am- these actions usually follow regardless of whom is around.
2. I CANNOT do sales. I find them so messy and chaotic that it really does my control freak mind in. Also when I enter a shop I HAVE to go around to the left and do the circle that way (please I am not Adrian Monk- I can step on cracks).
3. My pet hate is people who spell the word DEFINITELY wrong (I am sorry, please do not hate me).
4. I own approximately 200 pairs of shoes, which live in our garage colour co-ordinated, 60 handbags which live under our stairs in colour co-ordinated fashion, and I have not dared count the number of cakestands or apothecary jars...a few of my favourite things that I go weak at the knees over...I know there are a lot of you girls who share my passion.
5. My husband does my waxing and hair colour (blush)- HE IS SO GOOD AT IT, why would I go anywhere else!
6. Up until recently, I was the mama behind Pink Theodore- little girlie accessories. When I started it 5 years ago, there was only a handful of us girls and my goodness- as Suzanna knows, the looooonnngggg nights of orders, plus a 1 year old who still wakes at least 4 times a night- not a good combination. But I have now taught a few ladies how to make the accessories and they are doing so well, and I LOVE their work!
7. The colour black and I are not in love- AT ALL....
8. I was my high school house captain at high school every year, very sporty, competing at national levels...but now I can barely run to my letterbox without getting lactic acid build up (please note my letterbox is approximately 5 metres from my front door!)
9. I never get sick (knock on wood)- not even a cold when these things go around. Bless the men in my life, they catch everything!
10. I played the flute in high school and sat my AMEB tests, and always did horribly because I did not like to practice...
So, I hope you have not fallen asleep, what a lovely way to spend a quiet afternoon (baby asleep), I will tag some lovlies a little later on and post some of the parties and some DIY's I have been working on.