Sidenote: you may notice your eyes watering- fear not, they are not weeping- they are simply drooling!!
I am head over heals, weak at the knees, giddy in bliss for this romantic shoot that I spyed over at my favourite site Style Me Pretty. The horse, the cascading ruffle bottom chairs, the meringue towers, the macarons (one "O" people)and that champagne tower makes me so happy (Glee Happy- think Kurt's dad defending him to Finn in that episode that I am sure made you all smile and not even realise you were smiling)...yes that warm fuzzy happy.
I leave you with pretty overload...

I think i am in love!
ReplyDeleteOh the chair backs KILL me!!
ReplyDeleteso pretty!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteEvery detail is amazing...the ruffled chairbacks, those adorable little cupcakes, the soft colour palette...but I especially love the chandeliers...and the fact that they are not just decorative, but working!