I absolutely adore anything cake related, and when I saw these from Lollipop Workshop (Be Cheery on Flickr)a while ago I thought, "I do not have a daughter, but I definitely want one!!!", then the price hit me- US$125+, a bit rich for my fictional daughter.
So I embarked on a how to frenzy. I came across this tutorial from Ohdeedoh (love it)! Next was to purchase supplies, I found some at Spotlight, but not the right shape balls for the heads etc. I came across an Aussie company called, Country Craft Cottage. I bought ALL the supplies for $20- this would make 10 dolls in total, and it arrived the day after I purchased them on line- excellent service!
So here is my first time at making a cake topper peg doll thingi. I didnt have any spray gloss, so I used nail polish varnish...very pleased with the first try..

FYI- the girl is perched on a square plate, jazzed up with paper and ribbon on some genius hot pink candle stands- note to everyone, our cat was in the bad books that day as he managed to smash one of them!!
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